Improving Poor Photographic Images in Photoshop
Always take time to improve photographic type images in Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop is the defacto standard raster/pixel based program that the world uses for...
Why I smoke cigars
OK, this has nothing to do with business..... or does it? I first started smoking cigars in high school.
They were called Swisher Sweets...
The Work Order Flow Through Typical Production
I talked last week with printers in Florida, discussing how a physical work order progresses through a production shop. Here's how it works for...
Creating Distressed Look in Corel Draw
OK, I have to admit it. I have written this article before. In fact, in looking for older versions I found an article I...
Where are the customers?
This article was first written in 2009 but it is still relevant today.
Famous 1976 Farrah Fawcett Shirt Re-Released!
The shirt that started it all has been re-released!
Wow, has this industry changed. For those newbies and even some who think they are...
The Real History of Inkjet Printing on T-Shirts
This short article is one that was first posted on the U.S. Screen website a long time ago to show that none...
Moving Up to an Automatic Press
Over the years I fielded hundreds of calls from customers and students asking if I think it’s time for them to get an automatic...
T-Shirt War Video
This is VERY funny! It is a short video called T-Shirt War by two wild and crazy guys called Rhett and Link at....... you...
Third Party Inks for Film and Direct to Garment
Someone quizzes me on this subject three or four times a week. So here’s the scoop on those third party...
Woodstock…I was there … or was I?
This is a "reprint" of a fun little article I wrote on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock in August of 2009. I thought I...
The Confusion over RIP Software by Terry Combs
If you’re a screen printer, and you make your own film positives, chances are you own RIP software.
Nine Lies You’ll Hear About Screens by Terry Combs
There are a handful of common "misconceptions" about preparing your screens that are repeated often enough that they appear to have a life of...
T-Seps 4.0 Released – Color Separations Made Easy
We have released T-Seps 4.0! It has a lot of new features and fixes for Adobe's removal of the Pantone Color Books in version...
Stop Ruining Great Artwork by Scott Fresener
This is a topic I deal with every day as I do high-end photorealistic color separations for the industry. The original artwork is often...
On Doing Business in Changing Times by Mark Coudray
The industry has been through economic fluctuations in the past. We've seen ups and downs based in the general economy. We've also see the disruptive impact of new and emerging technologies. Times have changed and almost everyone I know and talk to are challenged with a serious impact to their business. Here are some ideas to help you position yourself for more business in hard economic times.
Using Special Effects Inks
No matter where you are in the world today, when you walk into any sporting goods, department, or specialty clothing store you see a...
Some thoughts about working from home
So as I sit here in my office which is less than 20 paces from my bedroom, I think about the ups and downs...
Examples of Good Marketing Tools by Aaron Montgomery
This article was written back in 2010 by our good friend, Aaron Montgomery, and the information is timeless. Enjoy.
After a long break from writing...
Five Things to Know about DTG
Five Things to Know Before Jumping into Digital Printing
This article is very PRO direct-to-garment or DTG. While some of the comments may sound negative...
The Three Fastest Ways to Get New Business by Mark Coudray
The fastest way to get more business is to look at your existing customer base and see if you can't sell them more. There are a variety of ways of doing this. Two of the fastest are to create bundles and programs. Beyond these easy to implement ways are to reactivate old or lost accounts.
Helping Artists Understand File Formats by Scott Fresener
This is a topic dear to my heart. Now that I am doing a lot of high-end color separations every day I have a...
All About QR Codes
Get your QR Code on. They are fun, cool, and cutting edge. By Scott Fresener.
You’ve probably seen those little box “maze” graphics in ads...
Three new computer graphic articles from Scott Fresener
There are three new articles on the main Articles page. They are all on computer graphics and they are all topics that we deal with...
Heat Transfer as a start to Direct-to-Garment
Direct to garment printing has come a long way since it first hit our industry as a decorating method that is here to stay...
Printing Photoshop Channel Separations in Illustrator or Corel Draw
It is very common to create "channel" color separations in Adobe Photoshop. This is how automated color separation programs like T-Seps make separations. And, if you...
Color Separation Tips in Corel Draw
Over the years I have learned that one of the major secrets to good screen printing is good color separations. As you become a...
Secrets to High-End Printing on Dark Shirts – Important Information!
This article was promoted by yet another call from a new T-Seps user (large company) faced with the same old "we can't print that"...
That Thing You Do With One Hand by Pat Fresener
I’ve been trying for some time to get around to writing on my blog. I’d like to say my excuse for not getting around...
New Profession
My wife, Pat, and I spend part of our summers in Bowling Green, Kentucky to be near our son Mike and family (grandkids!). We...
All About DPI, LPI, PPI & More
Quick Glossary:
Halftone - A series of large and small dots that represent image areas of a continuous tone image. Continuous tone artwork can be...
Dealing With Contract Printers
Do you deal with outside contract screen printers? Are you confused by all thetalk of underbasing, flash curing, screen charges, separation costs andmore? Do...
Using Vellum to Burn Screens by Scott Fresener
For those who remember the old process cameras, when vellum paper and laser printers found a...
Small Business Marketing Tips – Second Edition by Aaron Montgomery
Marketing without being a Fortune 500 company.
Don’t we all want to work with professionals?
Commentary by Aaron Montgomery......I continue to be surprised by how some people stay in business. I do my darnedest to make sure that my...
Finally…. a Digital T-Shirt!
This might be huge - or not. A Digitial T-Shirt called thirt OS 2.0 (that displays images of your choice like a neon sign)...
Color Separations in Photoshop with Scott Fresener
It is almost impossible to tell everything you need to know about color separating in a short article. But, I feel strongly that if...
Why every company should do a Marketing Plan – Big or Small – by...
to be a Pulitzer prize winning coffee table document that takes thousands of dollars to produce, but it does have to be something that...
A Good Day to Start a Business by Terry Combs
Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know the economy has been down for months, jobs are being lost, credit is tight to non-existent,...
The Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act and You
This one has been bouncing around for a few years and was stayed a year ago pending review and defining the guidelines better. This...
Basic Screen Printing Techniques 101 by Scott Fresener
Stop! Don't put this article down just because you a few years of experience. I teach beginners who can print better with ten minutes...
Six Common Screen Printing Mistakes
Over the years I have given thousands of classes and been in hundreds and hundreds of shops doing consulting.
I use to joke to...
Blur Text – No, It’s Not Your Eyes
I find it very funny that we strive to do high end photo realistic images on light and dark shirts, and there is a...
What to Look for in Curing Units/Dryers by Scott Fresener
If you are going to print T-shirts then you cannot live without a curing unit. Whether it be your oven at home or a...
Customer Service – Does anyone know what it means? By Aaron Montgomery
Aaron Montgomery talks about customer service.
Color Separations 101 – by Scott Fresener
Color Separations 101 - Everything you ever wanted to know about Color Separations
This article is for anyone involved in creating, managing or just even...
Final Separation Tweaks in Adobe Photoshop
This article will assume you already have a basic Photoshop channel separation done as Simulated Process Color. The information here is geared more
towards doing...
Four Rules of Management for Each Department
Sometimes in the heat of battle, we forget there is a customer involved in this process. If every department has the attitude of pleasing the customer, your business will prosper, guaranteed.
Simulated Process Color Separations for Screen Printing – Part Two
Part Two - Simulated Process Color Separations for Screen Printing. Click here to read Part One.
Creating Underbase White
If you are going on...