Finally… a T-Shirt that can read your body!


This is what we have all been waiting for – a shirt that monitors key body indicators. The shirt is called the D-Shirt (for Digital Shirt). This Smart Sensing shirt features built in micro sensors that capture data like heart rate, body temperature, and other vital indicators and transfer them to a capsule on the shirt. The device also includes Bluetooth for real time syncing to a computer or mobile phone with an app, so that the wearer or person monitoring the wearer can keep up with information as it comes along.

The shirt is made from a Smart Sensing fabric woven with integral micro-sensors. They send the information to a small detachable transmitter on the back of the shirt, which sends transmissions to the smartphone via Bluetooth. 

OK, this garment is not available commercially yet but it is certainly a great start. It was developed by a group of French companies and this could be a “future” product to watch.

Here is a link to the Smart Sensing website.

Here is a link to a review in Crunchwear.

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