Secrets to High-End Printing on Dark Shirts – Important Information!

This article was promoted by yet another call from a new T-Seps user (large company) faced with the same old "we can't print that"...

Is The Future Here? – Watch Interview with Pete Bolsoni

We were thrilled when one of our very first students - and youngest - Pete Bolsoni told us he had upgraded his shop to...

Using Foil for Great Effects!

By Scott Fresener In the early to mid 90’s, foil on shirts was HUGE! We use to teach it in our classes and the students...

Using Vellum to Burn Screens by Scott Fresener

For those who remember the old process cameras, when vellum paper and laser printers found a...

Non-Textile Printing by Scott Fresener

By Scott FresenerThis article is written for all the garment screen printers who want to diversifyinto non-textile printing and have never worked with inks...

Dealing With Contract Printers

Do you deal with outside contract screen printers? Are you confused by all thetalk of underbasing, flash curing, screen charges, separation costs andmore? Do...

Basic Screen Printing Techniques 101 by Scott Fresener

Stop! Don't put this article down just because you a few years of experience. I teach beginners who can print better with ten minutes...

Speeding up Manual Production by Scott Fresener

During the busy months it is important to get as much production as possible off of a manual printing press. This article details some...

Six Common Screen Printing Mistakes

Over the years I have given thousands of classes and been in hundreds and hundreds of shops doing consulting.  I use to joke to...

What to Look for in Curing Units/Dryers by Scott Fresener

If you are going to print T-shirts then you cannot live without a curing unit. Whether it be your oven at home or a...

Nine Lies You’ll Hear About Screens by Terry Combs

There are a handful of common "misconceptions" about preparing your screens that are repeated often enough that they appear to have a life of...

Coating Screens by Terry Combs

Direct Coating Screens - Step by Step. Direct coating of screens, the simple act of filling a scoop coater with emulsion and coating each side...

Screen Printing Equipment & Supply Startup Checklist by Terry Combs

During screen printing classes, I regularly get the question, "What do I really need to get started in this business?" Here's my list to use as a guideline.

Understanding White Ink Options

White plastisol is white plastisol, right? On the surface it all seems simple, but there are a variety of whites on the market and...

Moving Up to an Automatic Press

Over the years I fielded hundreds of calls from customers and students asking if I think it’s time for them to get an automatic...

Third Party Inks for Film and Direct to Garment

Someone quizzes me on this subject three or four times a week. So here’s the scoop on those third party...

Maximum Production

MAXIMUM PRODUCTION20102015 Probably 15 years ago, one of my sons was working on that report all our kids have to write at some point in...

How to get Great Results with Direct Film

Although I have probably made my "millionth" screen using the Direct Emulsion method, I have had good results with Capillary Direct...
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