T-Seps General Support Details

T-Seps is a GREAT program that is very “clean” and should run totally without errors. If errors are encountered it generally means that the program was not installed properly, is not being run properly or the files are not set up correctly. If you continue running a routine after getting an error, the separations will not be correct. If you encounter problems please read all of the following section and check the Troubleshooting page for the latest Photoshop bugs and the workarounds for them before emailing for technical support.

For the best success with the program, please take time to view the training videos online and re-read the Full Reference Manual. If you have T-Seps installed correctly there should be a new folder on your hard disk called TSEPS and a sub-folder called MANUAL that includes PDF files of all five language versions. For quick reference you can download the manual of your choice HERE

Check out the T-Seps step-by-step videos to get you up and running doing jobs in less than an hour! Watch the online videos HERE.

If you need to permanently unlock and authorize T-Seps click HERE for details.

A Word about Mac
T-Seps is compatible with all current Mac OS using OS 10.6 or higher. 

Technical Support
If you have a problem with the program, please re-read the manual and make sure you are following the on-screen prompts exactly. Please read the Problems and Solutions  sections on the Troubleshooting page before you email for support.

Support is free! Simply call Toll Free (US) 1/888-801-1561 or 480-212-1078 between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm M-F MST USA and talk directly to Scott Fresener. You can also send email to support@tbiznetwork.com. When emailing you can include a low resolution graphic of the file for support to run test seps on.

When emailing support you will generally get a response the same day – from developer Scott Fresener. If you are up against a deadline we will do everything we can to resolve your problem quickly. Please put URGENT in the Subject line of your email if you need immediate help. Remember, if you have a job due and need help, don’t be shy. Call, email that you need immediate help and someone will get back with you.

Training Videos
We have an extensive collection of T-Seps training videos that you can watch online from our Videos page or at our T-Biz Network YouTube channel.

Learning Curve
For most users the learning curve for T-Seps is small if you have a basic understanding of Photoshop. Even if you are new to Photoshop, by watching the online videos you will get up to speed quickly. T-Seps is a tool and it does 95% of the work for you. When a routine is done separating you simply make minor tweaks if necessary (boost a color, combine colors). Some jobs take longer than others to tweak and your first few jobs will be part of the learning process.

User typically report that the first couple of jobs were very good but could have been better. BUT, users always say “the customer was thrilled!” You will learn from the first few jobs and start to get bold and quick with your tweaks.

Don’t Panic
A common support email is “I got an error and then I kept getting more and more errors.” While it might appear that you got a lot of errors, it is ONLY the first error that caused the problem and 95% of the time it simply means there was a problem with the original artwork (the file must be flattened, RGB, no Layers). It is easy to miss what might seem to be a minor file mistake (the file being in CMYK mode rather than RGB). Don’t panic. You will get to where you automatically check the file before you run a routine and you will find T-Seps truly push button separations.

FastFilms Support
If you own a copy of FastFilms we will gladly support you and do unlocks. Please email support@tbiznetwork.com for more details. Sooner or later you will need to upgrade to T-Seps for the program to work with Windows 7 or 8 or new versions of Photoshop. Think of T-Seps as “FastFilms 5.0.” FastFilms users can upgrade to T-Seps HERE.

Adobe Photoshop Support
Generally, we will help with minor Photoshop issues as they relate to T-Seps. If you are having technical problems that are only Photoshop related, call one of the Adobe technical support lines.

Adobe Customer Service Lines
Adobe Complimentary Technical Support – 206-675-6303 – Adobe Expert Support – 1-800-915-9425

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