Bonus Features!
T-Seps creates great color separations and it also includes Bonus Extras that help with improving low quality images, giving designs graphic edge effects, creating the distressed look and more.

Special Image Effects
Jazz up images with eye catching effects. Choose from five different edge effects to liven up images. This video is from T-Seps 2.0 but the effects work the same in T-Seps 4.0.

 Running Edge Efffects Routine (3:55)

Distressed Look
Yes, the washed and worn look it still very hot. T-Seps has the BEST routine in the industry to give your images a washed and worn look. And, you can choose from a variety of levels of worn PLUS there are other image effects that can be applied to give the entire image a unique distressed look. This video is from T-Seps 2.0 but the effects work the same in T-Seps 4.0.
  The Distressed Looks (3:56)

Upsample Low Quality Images 
This routine is magic. You can upsample a very low resolution/low quality image to the final size and be amazed at how crisp the edges look. Our proprietary algorithm performs miracles. This video is from T-Seps 2.0 but the effects work the same in T-Seps 3.0/3.5.5.
  Upsample Low Quality Images Routine (2:23)

Convert Photographs & Colored Images to Black & White 
This is another great routine. It will convert most full-color images to a respectable black and white line drawing. This video is from T-Seps 2.0 but the effects work the same in T-Seps 4.0.

  Convert Images to Black and White Drawing (1:20)



Improve Poor JPG Images 
A lot of images you get are low resolution and low quality JPG files. Our JPG Enhancement routine improves the quality of poor JPG images. It helps remove artifacts and the “boxes” you get with very low quality JPG images. This video is from T-Seps 2.0 but the effects work the same in T-Seps 4.0.
 Improve JPG Images (3:14)

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