Uninstalling T-Seps   rev 7-18-23

The following uninstall directions are for Mac or PC and are for T-Seps 4.0. If you are uninstalling version 3.0 or 3.5 then these directions work and just replace “40” with “35” or “30.” Do the following steps in the order presented.

We have placed normal Mac and Windows uninstall routines in both programs. But sometimes these might miss a file and a manual uninstall is necessary.

Uninstall Using Provided Routines

In the Applications folder and a folder TSeps40 is a folder called Actions. There is a program there called uninstall.command. This file can be executed using Finder.

In the C: Drive find a folder called TSeps40 and a folder called Actions. Run the file called uninstall.bat.

Manual Uninstall of all Files

Close Photoshop and go to your Mac Hard Disk.

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC.
Drag all four T-Seps40 plug-ins to Trash.
Drag a file called Ekag20nt to the Trash.

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/extensions
Drag T-Seps40-extension to Trash

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extension (there is a chance you won’t have this folder. If you don’t have it then ignore this step.)
Drag T-Seps40-extension to Trash

Go to the Applications Folder.
Drag the folder TSeps40 to Trash

Download, unzip and run this installer – even if you have downloaded it before. This link is to the latest update:

Open Photoshop. You may get a new Activate License window. In Photoshop go to Window/Actions. Even if there is a T-Seps 4.0 Separation Suite Action – it needs to be refreshed. In the Actions Panel go to the small drop down menu and click on Replace Actions. Drill around to your Application Folder and a folder T-Seps40. Find the Actions folder and Load T-Seps Separation Suite.

Close Photoshop and go to your Windows C: drive.

C:/Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC
Delete all four T-Seps40 plug-ins.

C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC
Delete all four T-Seps40 plug-ins.
Delete the file Ekag20nt.

C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEP/extensions
Delete folder T-Seps40.

Download, unzip and run this installer – even if you have downloaded it before. This link is to the latest update:

Open Photoshop. You may get a new Activate License window. In Photoshop go to Window/Actions. Even if there is a T-Seps 4.0 Separation Suite Action – it needs to be refreshed. In the Actions Panel go to the small drop down menu and click on Replace Actions. Drill around to your C: drive and a folder T-Seps40. Find the Actions folder and Load T-Seps Separation Suite.

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