The Eagle Has Left The Nest


Have you been to the mall lately? Other than WAY TOO MANY neon colors – what did you notice that was missing?

Finally….. prints with lots of wings and vintage flourish graphics seems to have left the building. It is about time. OK, there are still plenty of skulls and a lot of “Walking Dead/Zombie” images. What has replaced all of this? It is funny how things go full circle. You now see a lot of one color and simple multi-color slogan shirts and the shirt color of choice is still black. In fact, in my day-to-day separation business it seems about 80% of my seps go on black shirts.

What will the next trend be? Who knows but if you look back about 30 years you will probably find it.

What has not gone away is the distressed look. This just keeps getting stronger and stronger and of course is in wide-spread use in mainstream media on everything from TV show graphics to the nightly news.

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