T-Seps 3.5 Not Apple Silicon M1/M2 Compatible

T-Seps for Apple/Mac version 3.5 is not compatible with the Apple Silicon M1 or M2 processor. The reason is that Photoshop 22.3 running on an Apple Silicon computer has removed Extension Panels from their M1/M2 version and T-Seps runs in the Extensions panel. T-Seps 4.0 is Mac M1/M2 compatible and it runs in the Plug-Ins panel. 

If you don’t want to upgrade to T-Seps 4.0, then the good news is you can use T-Seps 3.5. Open Photoshop in Rosetta mode.

Here is a link to an Adobe website with details about compatibility and other issues with Photoshop and M1/M2. And, this page has a link to details about running in Rosetta mode. Click HERE.

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