Just Released! T-Seps 3.5 for Photoshop CC 2014

T-Seps 3.5

This one has been a long time coming and took more work than we thought. On June 18 Adobe released Photoshop CC 2014 and made a major change in how programs like T-Seps work in their Extensions Panels. Prior to CC 2014, Extensions were generally Flash based programs. Starting in CC 2014 Adobe changed things so any Extension Panel needed to be written in HTML5. And they made other major changes that affected our security program and installers. After many months and hundreds of hours we have released the “NEW” T-Seps 3.5.

The good news is T-Seps 3.5 looks and functions like T-Seps3.0. The difference is mainly in the interface, installer and security program. You can download a Free Trial of T-Seps 3.5 Separation Suite at the Downloads page. Give it a whirl and see what you think.

If you bought T-Seps 3.0 between June 18, 2014 and October 12, 2014 you get a FREE upgrade to T-Seps 3.5. If you bought T-Seps 3.0 before June 18 there is a slight upgrade fee. Check it out at our Store HERE.

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